The Pyramid of Pachacamac

The Pyramid of Pachacamac

The Pyramids of Pachacamac; an ancient Masterpiece of construction. Pachacamac is a Pre-Inca archaeological site located roughly 40 km southeast of Lima, Peru. Archaeologists have discovered over 15 Pyramids in this huge ancient complex. According to researchers, the main city and administrative center were built by the Wari culture somewhere between 600-800 AD. Even though the Wari empire […]

8 Reasons Why “Paris, Texas” is the Best Road Movie Ever

8 Reasons Why “Paris, Texas” is the Best Road Movie Ever

With breathtaking cinematography, artful direction, a compelling soundtrack, a skillful screenplay, and powerful acting performances, “Paris, Texas” is not only an all-around great film but also, exploring many classic American road movie themes and taking them in new and fascinating directions, it is an ideal representative and innovator of the genre, as well as a […]