Blade Runner 2049: Why Make a Sequel to Blade Runner?

Blade Runner 2049: Why Make a Sequel to Blade Runner?

At no point preceding my viewing of Blade Runner 2049 did I understand the reason anybody would make a Blade Runner sequel. My perspective, after viewing, remains unchanged. Blade Runner does not have a good story. It barely has a story. It’s a cinematic poem, a mood piece, an aesthetic. Poetry can have a story, of course; poems can have […]

Erotic engravings from a poem celebrating sex, 1825

Erotic engravings from a poem celebrating sex, 1825

Volumes of vintage erotica are wasted on academics. Just think how many beautiful books filled with lusty, erotic engravings are moldering away under lock and key in some dark, dusty archive. They’re not for our eyes of course but rather for those of a disinterested professor or an ambitious Ph.D. student looking to reinterpret ancient […]

‘Blade Runner 2049’: Welcome to the Age of Peak Dystopia Fatigue

‘Blade Runner 2049’: Welcome to the Age of Peak Dystopia Fatigue

We have seen things you people wouldn’t believe. A cult classic have its reputation re-evaluated and restored by a series of fan-fueled screenings long after it was unceremoniously “retired” from a theatrical run. A film with no less than six different cuts in circulation. Critics declaring a sequel a masterpiece, while others say it’s “stylish but hollow.” The […]

The 30 Most Influential Movies In Cinema History

The 30 Most Influential Movies In Cinema History

These days, many people, particularly cinephiles, or simply just people with a special and more than fleeting and/or passing interest in cinema, may wonder, “Where should I begin in regards to watching great movies? Which are the key works of this medium and why? Why is it important that I watch movies that are mostly […]

The Binary Code of Body and Spirit: Computing Pioneer Alan Turing on Mortality

The Binary Code of Body and Spirit: Computing Pioneer Alan Turing on Mortality

“The body provides something for the spirit to look after and use.” “The void horrifies: so we are all immortal,” Simone de Beauvoir scoffed at the religious escapism of immortality in explaining why she is an atheist, adding: “Faith allows an evasion of those difficulties which the atheist confronts honestly.” But there exists a certain orientation of spirit that […]

The Kailasa Temple: the world’s largest monolithic structure carved from one piece of rock

The Kailasa Temple: the world’s largest monolithic structure carved from one piece of rock

We see ancient edifices around the globe, like thе pyramids in Egypt, Borobudur in Indonesia, and the Pyramid of the Sun in the Valley of Mexico, and we ask ourselves, how? How could mankind, so far back in time, build such enormous structures? And all without the advanced technology we enjoy today. Furthermore, when one looks […]