Kurt Gödel – We’ll meet again

Kurt Gödel – We’ll meet again

We’ll meet again. The intrepid logician Kurt Gödel believed in the afterlife. In four heartfelt letters to his mother he explained why As the foremost logician of the 20th century, Kurt Gödel is well known for his incompleteness theorems and contributions to set theory, the publications of which changed the course of mathematics, logic and […]

The Return – Andrey Zvyagintsev

The Return – Andrey Zvyagintsev

Well, the story begins like this: The promise is promise. At last night when the time for it is not, especially in one of the Serbian preston theater (obscure witness various “famous” sessions social democratic, labor and other parties) on the outside temperature of -5 and internal only slightly higher (which is essential the further […]

Love you from Zero to 7

Love you from Zero to 7

I’m not a Peca Popović. I just put it all together like this: I didn’t know the lyrics of Destiny until now. Sia, inherent in her own right, does what she does in her voice, completely subordinates everything to it, words sometimes do not even make out, she is the most sensual of the three, […]

Multiverse: Ten implications

Multiverse: Ten implications

Throughout all previous epochs and periods of history of the development of the human race and society, and the active observation and subsequent direct exploration of space, the process of obtaining answers to some of the most difficult, essential questions seems to be heating up to the maximum, but at the same time complicating. Consequently, […]

Quantum Wittgenstein

Quantum Wittgenstein

Metaphysical debates in quantum physics don’t get at ‘truth’ – they’re nothing but a form of ritual, activity and culture. I first learnt about Plato’s allegory of the cave when I was in senior high school. A mathematics and English nerd – a strange combination – I played cello and wrote short stories in my […]

Slow sex, long life

Slow sex, long life

For more than 1,000 years, the Imperial Family of Japan and its physicians have preserved a treasure of oriental medicine: the complete 30 scrolls of the Ishinhō, or the ‘heart of medical prescription’. This compendium was derived from sources in India, China, Korea and elsewhere, though many of the original documents have since been lost or destroyed. In […]